2017 RGE Lecturer – Dr. Peter Mugyenyi

Next Thursday we will be hosting the 2017 RGE Murray Lecturer, Dr. Peter Mugyenyi from the Joint Clinical Research Centre. Dr. Mugyenyi is a Ugandan medical doctor, researcher and promoter of equitable medical care. He is currently the Executive Director of Joint Clinical Research Centre, Kampala, the largest provider of HIV care and research in Africa. He was a pioneer in the introduction of antiretroviral therapy to Africa, in the delivery of ARVs to rural areas, and in making life saving AIDS treatment accessible to low and middle income countries. He has received many awards including A Hero of Medicine Award and Science Diplomacy Prize, as well as honorary degrees from Mbarara University in Uganda and the University of Ireland.

Dr. Mugyenyi’s research cover a wide spectrum of HIV/AIDS and related diseases, including paediatric and adult HIV treatment, drug trials, HIV resistance, HIV prevention, immunological studies including HIV vaccine trials, pharmacokinetic, molecular and epidemiological studies as well as social and economic impact of HIV. Internationally, he is on several boards of institutions and organisations in Africa, UK and the USA. He previously served as a temporary Board Member of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, and as an advisory member of the HIV Vaccine Trials Network, USA.

Dr. Mugyenyi will be presenting his work on Thursday May 11, 2PM, in 3M Building Room 3250.