The Heit lab is currently looking to fill three graduate student vacancies, starting in either May or September of 2016. The available positions are:
- Biophysics of phagocyte receptor diffusion and phagocyte force generation. Students with a background in biophysics, physics, biochemistry or cell biology would be best suited for this position.
- Efferocytic receptor biology. This project involves characterizing the gene regulation and signalling pathway responsible for efferocytosis through a key efferocytic receptor, with the aim of understanding how this receptor works under homeostasis and during chronic inflammatory disease.
- Characterization of a new phagocytic receptor. We believe that we have identified a new phagocytic receptor; this project seeks to further characterize this receptor and understand its role under homeostatic and chronic inflammatory conditions.
Please note that I will not reply to applicants who have not met the following requirements:
- All prospective students must be pre-approved by the Department of Microbiology and Immunology and must meet departmental entrance requirements.
- E-mail Dr. Heit with a CV, grades, and contact information for 2 references.
- Hold a degree in a relevant area of biology
Students holding independent funding are preferred, but not required
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